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Apricots Production in Australia (2019)

Apricots Production in Australia (2019)


Apricots Production in Australia (2019)


Apricots are a type of fruit that has gained a lot of popularity in Australia over the years. Not only are they a good source of vitamins A and C, but they also aid the body to repair any damaged tissues. Moreover, apricots are extremely rich in dietary fibre. These fruits are best grown in cooler climates. Nevertheless, apricot tree flowers are not very much affected by heavy spring frosts. Hence, due to their nature, their trees thrive in Victoria and also the southern regions of Australia. Furthermore, once the fruits are ripe, they should be stored in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage. In Australia, approximately a fifth of the amount that is grown is sent to either be processed (tinned or dried).

How are Apricots Grown?

Although it prefers cool winters, the apricot tree flowers early and so does not do well if affected by heavy spring frosts. The need for cool winters means that the trees thrive in Victoria and other southern regions of Australia. These trees like well-drained soil and regular deep watering. It is best to plant two- to three-year-old bare-rooted trees from late autumn to early spring. The trees should begin producing fruit in their fourth year.

Apricots Found in Australia

Statistical Data

If the data up for the year 2019 is analyzed, it may be concluded that 9,027 tonnes of this fruit was produced and later valued at $35.1 million. 18% of this fruit was then sent to be processed for commercial use. Moreover, the supply per capita averaged at 287 grams, based on the volume that was supplied. Additionally, the wholesale value of the fresh supply was $40.0 million, with $34.2 million distributed into retail and $5.8 million went into food service. In fact, around 26% of Australian households purchased apricots while on their grocery trip, averaging at 420 grams per trip.

Major Apricot Production Areas

This fruit is predominantly produced in the southern states. More than half of the production occurs in Victoria, the Goulburn Valley and the Swan Hill areas. Other apricot producing regions are Renmark in South Australia and Perth Hills in Western Australia.

Regions where apricots are grown in Australia

Fresh Apricots International Trade

Australia is typically a net exporter of this fruit. Hence, it typically imports around 400 to 1,000 tonnes per year. As of 2019, Australia imported around 561 tonnes of apricots. Moreover, an additional 4,189 tonnes of dried apricots and 2,028 tonnes of preserved apricots were imported.

International Trade of Apricots in Australia