Mandarins Production and Growth in Australia (2020)

Mandarins are usually available from April to October. Imperial oranges are the most popular ones in the market. Since this fruit is extremely easy to peel and contains few to no seeds, they are extremely popular in Australia. Mandarins belong to the citrus family and are a distinct species of oranges. These spherical oranges are identified as hybrids and are easily damaged due to the cold. In recent times, this fruit has been fused with other citrus species in order to create novel species that have added to the diversity of the citrus family.
Due to this fruit’s immense popularity, mandarins are grown across all states of Australia. They reach their zenith during the winter months.
As of June 2020:
Some of the regions where mandarins are grown are Emerald, Mundubbera, Murray Valley and the Riverland.
In the Australian fresh market, there are three main variants that are available.
Australia identifies as a net exporter of mandarins. Over the last few years, around 66,916 tonnes of this fruit was exported.