Future of the Victorian Dairy Industry

The future of the Victorian dairy industry is open to a lot of new opportunities and avenues. Hence, many Australians are looking to invest in the booming dairy industry. Nevertheless, the demand for dairy products is mostly in the processed category. This is why production is increasing exponentially to meet domestic and international demands. Furthermore, butter prices are also pretty high when compared to their normal expense. Cheese prices are also looking favourable for the manufacturers in the future. In addition to this, whole milk powder and infant powder demand continue to grow strongly in the key China market. Domestically, there is robust growth for most dairy commodities. Ongoing private investment in processing facilities (including cheese and organic milk capacity) demonstrate long-term confidence within the Victorian dairy industry.
Victoria has a number of top universities teaching specialised courses in agriculture and food processing. These are building the agronomic, scientific, technological and agribusiness capabilities of today’s dairy workforce and tomorrow’s leaders. Victoria also has a number of dedicated agricultural colleges such as Longerenong College and Marcus Oldham College.
Global and domestic growth prospects for high-value dairy products, combined with local factors of competitive advantage, indicate that there are strong investment opportunities in Victoria. This page summarises just a few of the numerous opportunities in Victorian dairy.
Global and domestic growth prospects for high-value dairy products, combined with local factors of competitive advantage, indicate that there are strong investment opportunities in Victoria. This page summarises just a few of the numerous opportunities in Victorian dairy. Global demand trends indicate that investing in dairy farmland could offer long-term capital gain.