Fresh Eggplants Production in Australia (2019)

Due to the immense popularity and demand, eggplants are grown all across Australia. However, the majority of the production occurs along the east coast. In the current scenario, these vegetables are grown outdoors. Nevertheless, due to the growing popularity of this vegetable, they are being grown all year-round in high-tech greenhouses.
Although enjoyed like a vegetable, eggplants are oval fruits with a satin skin. Inside is a spongy, creamy-white flesh that is perfect for soaking up all the exotic flavours of a dish. Aubergine is the French name for the fruit, increasingly used in Australia. The word aubergine is now also used to describe an interior design colour that is based on the beautiful deep purple colour of the eggplant’s skin..
The eggplant is relatively new to Australia but can be found in many dishes that were first created in other parts of the world. In the popular Greek dish, moussaka, eggplant and lamb are gently simmered with aromatic spices, blanketed with a feta-infused white sauce and baked in the oven.
Although this vegetable is usually purple and oval to pear-shaped, occasionally one may find white, lavender or striped sausage-like types. Small round eggplants in a range of colours are also sometimes available. Common varieties include Black Bell, Long Tom, Pea, Thai Round, Continental and Purple. Pea or Thai eggplants are small, green fruits that look like peas and cluster at the end of small branches. Pea eggplants are used in Asian cooking.
As of June 2019:
This vegetable is currently grown all across Australia. Nonetheless, the major producing regions are Bowen/Budekin and Bundaberg in Queensland. Some of the other regions where this vegetable is grown are the Sydney region and the Goulburn Valley.
Australia conducts a minimal amount of trade when it comes to this vegetable. Since this nation is a natural exporter of eggplants, in 2019 Australia exported 7 tonnes. Moreover, the rate of imports is not that high either.
Article by: Hari Yellina (Orchard Tech)