Should you Invest in the Dairy Industry?

Dairy is one of Australia’s most important rural industries, producing about 8.8 billion litres of milk in 2018-19 and directly employing approximately 46,200 people. It is the fourth-largest rural industry in Australia generating $4.4 billion in farm gate value in 2018-19. The majority of milk production occurs on the southeast seaboard in Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania. Australia exports approximately 35 per cent of its milk production, with exports valued at $3.2 billion in 2018-19. A large proportion of exports are in the form of value-added products such as cheese, butter, ultra-heat treated milk and milk powders. Australian dairy is exported around the world.
It is safe to say that the Victorian dairy industry is booming at the present moment. Therefore, investing here would be a strategic move ensuring future profits.