Pressure Created on the Middle Eastern Orange Market

Many Middle Eastern sellers are still harvesting the last Midknight and Delta Valencias. Because the fruit is small in size, the flowering period is directly related to its size. Moreover, since the last harvest season was mostly cold, there were a lot of shortages that were seen by the producers. Additionally, water shortages were also witnessed by the sellers of the local market. Hence, all of these factors, when clubbed together, accounted for the low and small fruit counts. At the present moment, most of these oranges fall into the small category. However, this is a temporary situation due to the inevitable weather. Since most countries are rolling out their last shipment, this has created an unsurmountable pressure to wind up this year’s orange season.
This late in the season, fruit for Europe, America and China all spill over into the Middle Eastern market and consequently, he says, he expects the Middle East orange market to come under immense pressure.
Sweet, brightly coloured citrus fruits bring a burst of sunshine into winter days. However, citrus fruits are not only flavourful and pretty — they are also filled with health benefits. This class of fruits includes lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruit, as well as many more hybrids and varieties. Most importantly, they have a bunch of health benefits, from boosting immunity to fighting cancer.