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Farming and Agriculture: Frequently Asked Questions

Farming and Agriculture: Frequently Asked Questions


Farming and Agriculture: Frequently Asked Questions

Article by: Hari Yellina (Orchard Tech)

In the current world, agriculture has upgraded with technology to take on a new avatar altogether. Moreover, since farming and agriculture is one of the most important aspects of food supply, there are many questions that surround this subject.

What is agriculture and what are the various forms of systems of farming?

Farming, also popularly referred to as agriculture, is best described as the methods utilised to produce and grow crops, rear animals for both raw materials and food. The food items include vegetables, fruits, milk, fiber, meat and various other such items. It is considered a small category within the wide range of agriculture, which includes the processing of flowers, vegetables, biofuels, medicines, fibers, nursery plants, manure, and leather. Some of the different forms of agriculture are:

  1. Shifting agriculture
  2. Dry agriculture
  3. Subsistence farming
  4. Plantation agriculture
  5. Crop Rotation
  6. Intensive farming

What are some of the branches of agriculture?

Farming brings along with it a hoard of branches. Some of these are horticulture, organic farming, dairy, poultry, sericulture, vermiculture and market gardening. If the broad concept of farming is taken into account, sectors such as seed technology, nematology, plant breeding and genetics, soil science, and agronomy may also be involved.

Why is agriculture important?

Farming plays a crucial role in the economy of developing countries, and provides the main source of food, income, and employment to rural populations. For many countries, agriculture is a leading economic source, with those countries helping to provide some of Australia’s food as well.

What is soil health?

Sometimes referred to as soil quality, soil health is the continued ability of soil to act as an ecosystem for plants, animals, and humans. The term “soil health” is used to remind in the farming that the soil contains living organisms that help us produce food.