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Sweet Corn Production in Australia (2019)

Sweet Corn Production in Australia (2019)


Sweet Corn Production in Australia (2019)


Sweet corn refers to the sweet variety of corn that is grown for direct human consumption. However, this does not include maize or other broadacre corn crops. This vegetable is wind-pollinated, so it should be planted in blocks, rather than in single rows. Early, mid, and late-season varieties usually extend the harvest but it is important to be mindful: if you miss the optimal harvest time, the corn’s flavour will go downhill fast, as sugars convert to starch. Although it is a major food in many parts of the world, corn is inferior to other cereals in nutritional value. Its protein is of poor quality, and it is deficient in niacin.

Health Benefits of Sweet Corn

It is loved by adults and children alike because of its sweet flavour. This vegetable, although being sweet and delicious, is a great source or many vitamins and minerals. sweet corn is very rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B5, vitamin C, phosphorus, manganese, folate and dietary fibre. Because of the vitamins contained in sweet corn, many health benefits can be associated with the consumption of this delicious vegetable.


As of June 2019:

  1. 71,794 tonnes of sweet corn were produced and valued at $76.9 million. Out of this, 55% went into processing.
  2. 42% of Australian households purchased this vegetable, buying an average of 420 grams per shopping trip.
  3. The supply per capita was estimated at 1.3 kg, based on the volume supplied.
  4. The wholesale value of the fresh supply was $81.7 million, with $70.4 million distributed into retail and $11.3 million went into food service.

Major Production Areas of Sweet Corn

This vegetable is produced all across Australia. Some of the major production areas are the Riverina and Sydney Basin region in New South Wales. Moreover, other areas are Bundaberg and the Burdekin.